
How to shape kids’ future with AI and Machine Learning

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the science of making the computer learn and make decisions as humans do. AI is basically helping the computer to acquire intelligence similar to humans.

 Dive into the captivating world of AI and Machine Learning with our specialised course designed for kids. BYITC offers an exciting introduction to the fundamentals of AI, making it accessible and engaging for young learners. Children will explore how AI technologies such as voice recognition, machine learning, and robotics are shaping our world, fostering a deep understanding of how these tools work.

Structured to inspire curiosity and creativity, the course encourages kids to think critically about the role of AI in society and its potential for the future. Our goal is to empower kids with the skills and confidence to become not just consumers of technology but innovators and creators, ready to contribute to the AI-driven future. BYITC also conducts AI workshops from time to time so as to make introduce to the fundamentals and help them with their queries.

How did our recent AI and Machine Learning workshop help kids?

BYITC Coding AI workshop was a vibrant, energy-filled day from start to finish. We kicked off with a simple yet engaging introduction to AI and Machine Learning. Using examples from everyday life, we helped the kids understand how AI is used in things like video games, online searches, and even smart toys.

Next, we dove into Scratch, the visual programming language that’s both fun and intuitive for young learners. After a brief overview of Scratch’s interface and capabilities, the kids were introduced to the machine learning extension. The excitement was palpable as they realised they could train a machine learning model themselves!

Reflections and Future Plans: Reflecting on the success of this AI workshop, we are filled
with positivity and excitement for the future. The engagement and enthusiasm of the
participants confirmed our belief that children are more than ready to tackle complex
concepts like AI and Machine Learning.

Our students are already having fun learning AI and Machine Learning with lots of interesting projects. Give your child a head start on the future by teaching them AI and Machine Learning today at BYITC and Book a FREE trial class today.

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