Let Your Child Embrace the World's Very First Abacus Maths learning Application
Let Your Child Embrace the World's Very First Abacus Maths learning Application
World’s First Abacus Maths E-learning Web Application
The invention of the Abacus in the ancient times was the pioneering work field of mathematics. However, with the advent of modern technology, the digital Abacus became necessity in today’s digital era. British Youth International College has invented the World’s 1st Abacus Maths learning app for kids in age group 4 to 14 years. This application has reinvented the Abacus teaching and its benefits. The app has an inbuilt virtual Abacus tool that helps children learn the functioning of Online Virtual Abacus tool in easy.- The web/mobile application has videos, practice questions, classwork, homework along with Online Virtual Abacus tool.
- The web/mobile application has videos, practice questions, classwork, homework along with Online Virtual Abacus tool.
- The web/mobile application has videos, practice questions, classwork, homework along with Online Virtual Abacus tool.
- It gives freedom to parents and teachers from assigning homework, checking of classwork and homework, monitoring homework performance and consistency in learning Abacus Maths.
- It gives freedom to parents and teachers from assigning homework, checking of classwork and homework, monitoring homework performance and consistency in learning Abacus Maths.
- The application can be used on all electronic devices like Computer, Tablet and mobile.

Online Abacus Maths is All Set
With the advent of World’s 1st Abacus Maths learning App the BYITC is all set to provide its online Abacus Maths classes worldwide. BYITC is today providing its instructor led Abacus classes across the globe. The classes are provided through on the World’s 1st Abacus Maths Application. The launch of Online Abacus Classes was a big relief to students and parents in the pandemic when all offline/ physical classes were stopped and students were forced to stop learning Abacus Maths. This Abacus learning Application from BYITC is helping thousands of the students to continue their learning without coming out of their home.
Media Coverage
BYITC Supermaths has received a lot of media attention for launching World’s 1st Abacus learning app, its effective teaching methods and students outcome. Many renowned news publication houses and media channels have covered BYITC Supermaths and its journey.
- BBC Radio – Dr Rashmi Mantri interview with Kaye Adams
- STV 2 Show Live at 5pm – Dr Rashmi Mantri and Dhruv aMaheshwar
- ITV SHOW – Little Big Shots 2018 – Human Calculators
- Kids Interviews on Completion of Abacus Maths All the levels
- Once halted From Education Now Spreading Education AcrossThe Globe News
Let Your Child Capitalize on the Abacus Maths Online Classes
Let Your Child Capitalize on the Abacus Maths Online Classes
The entire world encountered the horrors that accompanied the Covid 19 lockdown. While all of us were confined to the four walls of our homes, schools were left with no other choice than to take teaching online. Although it took children some time to acclimatize themselves to the idea of ‘learning through the screen’, rather than having a teacher, but now that children have gotten used to the idea of learning online, it is perhaps the most apt time to register your child for the Abacus Maths online classes. The BYITC Supermaths Abacus Maths E-learning Web Application features various modules that are not just easy to use but also have a friendly user interface. Kids enjoy their time on this platform as it makes use of animated examples and learning sheets to playfully teach them the concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

The Most Comprehensive Abacus Maths Online Programme
The Most Comprehensive Abacus Maths Online Programme

Besides developing the most interactive e-learning abacus software for kids, the Supermaths team also developed a comprehensive online curriculum that makes arithmetic calculations easier for kids. This online course has two tracks – the junior track (consisting of 11 levels) and the senior track (consisting of 8 levels); both aimed at comprehensively covering the Abacus theory, the Finger theory and the Mental theory. At the end of each level, an online exam is conducted and only upon the successful completion of this exam, the student is promoted to the next level. Those students who complete all the Abacus Maths levels successfully are awarded SuperMaths Abacus certificates.
Know All About Abacus Calculator Online
Childhood period constitutes the formative years of the development of a child’s brain. Stimulating the different areas of learning of the brain with mental exercises can optimize the learning experiences of the child. To know more about the way Abacus Maths can ameliorate the complex mathematical calculation abilities of children.