Walkthrough World’s 1st Abacus Maths E-learning Web Application
The majority of great and successful businesses start with someone creating a product out of passion to fill a gap in society. Consequently, the business itself becomes the by-product. The World’s 1st Abacus Maths E-learning Web Application, correspondingly, is an example of that.
BYITC Supermaths team is indeed passionate, and ready to innovate with the changing times. The pandemic made all learning digital but the gap of a fully functional and interactive Abacus Maths E-Learning Web Application is now filled. We started developing this Web App couple of years ago; however, present circumstances highlighted its utility.
There have been thousands of counting devices across the human history that enabled merchants and businessmen across the globe to calculate large numbers. Between fingers, pebble calculators and computers, there is one device that still stands the test of millennia. The Abacus is widely accepted as the most versatile tool to train your brain for mathematical calculations involving huge numbers. The Abacus Mental Arithmetic method of calculations, first seen in ancient Egyptian civilization, is the fastest way humanly possible to calculate any mathematical problem. Subsequently, students can now make use of British Youth International College’s Abacus Maths E-Learning Web Application to learn and use this ingenious method.
Abacus Maths E-learning Website in Action

The following steps will help you understand the web application:
- Register on the website www.supermathsapp.com as a trial student.
- You will get your free trial login credentials instantly.
- Login to your account with the credentials.
- Watch the video.
- Click on ‘My Work’ to start learning.
- Start with your ‘Classwork’.
- Complete your practice sheets in ‘Homework’ (One box for each day of the week).
- Access your progress reports in the ‘My Reports’ section.
- Ask questions to ‘Support’ anytime.
* You can always go to the help section to understand how to run various functionalities.
Abacus Maths online classes for your kids
This is the perfect time to teach new skills to your kids at the comfort of your home. The modules of the BYITC Supermaths Abacus Maths E-Learning Web Application are easy to use as well as have a friendly user interface. They create an environment that fosters learning and kids enjoy working on their screens. The best minds and professionals came together to build this online platform. It delivers on the various promises it makes while making learning Maths fun for your kids!
Whether it is addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, with hundreds of animated examples and a wide array of learning sheets, the Abacus Maths E-Learning Web Application makes it easy for your child to grasp the concepts and apply them to the real-world problems.
Benefits of Abacus Maths Online Web Application
The Abacus Maths E-Learning Web Application, like the one by BYITC, enable kids to develop far better memory, concentration, visualization, control over senses and analytical skills than other kids of their age. Abacus Maths E-Learning Web App benefits the students and the teachers alike:
- The kids get instant test results for assignments.
- All their homework and classwork can be accessed in a single portal.
- Paperless, Weekly reports provide parents with updates on progress made by the children.
- Teachers can assess their students quickly.
- Homework corrections as well as evaluations based on the saved performance.
- Automated report cards for individual student and teachers to use.
- Great visuals and animations that help drive the point easily.
- Pre-scheduled assignment allocation.
When kids can do complex calculations in their minds itself, they don’t just get better at mathematics alone. But more importantly, their ability to process information, take decision, evaluate the situation expands beyond the capacities of a normal child. Consequently, they become an intelligent adult, capable of handling the most difficult situation that life can throw at them.
It has been proven through science that Abacus mental arithmetic enables the children to utilize the unused right side of their brain thus, giving them an edge over others with just half hour of daily practice. Your child can develop numerous abilities that other kids miss out through Abacus Maths E-Learning. All you need to do is point them in the right direction and who knows your child might become a prodigy.