

Abacus vs. Calculator

Abacus vs. Calculator
In the ever-evolving landscape of education and technology, the debate between traditional tools and modern gadgets often takes centre stage. One such debate revolves around the use of the abacus vs. calculator. Wondering what is abacus; it is a centuries-old tool, and the calculator, a technological marvel, represent two distinct approaches to mathematical problem-solving. In this article, we will explore the history and significance of the abacus, delve

5 Most Important Advantages Of Games Based Abacus Maths Learning

5 Most Important Advantages Of Games Based Abacus Maths Learning
Mathematics often involves complex calculations. Mental calculation skills are crucial to stay ahead in the highly competitive world. To sharpen one’s brain for performing complex Mathematical calculations mentally, online Abacus Maths learning is one of the most useful resources in the present day. An amelioration to this resource is the concept of game based Abacus Maths learning, which offers several benefits when it comes to teaching kids Maths the eas

Can Abacus Training help Children Do Better in School?

Can Abacus Training help Children Do Better in School?
Abacus training has numerous applications in mathematical calculations, and children can use these skills to perform better in their classes. Abacus education is for brain development since it improves cognitive function, enhances memory, and helps children get better at logical reasoning. Thus, it directly promotes their ability to grasp concepts faster and score higher in tests. Abacus training complements their understanding of mathematics at school ins

Learning Mental Maths with The Abacus Finger Theory

Learning Mental Maths with The Abacus Finger Theory
Incredible Finger Theory Learning mathematics with the help of abacus can work wonders and can be an enjoyable experience for the child. The best part about this theory is that children are able to calculate with digits up to 99 just by using certain special finger combinations. Thus, finger abacus theory is a great way of inculcating basic computation and mental arithmetic skills in young children. Once children have a good understanding of how an aba...

Decoding The Mystery Of The Abacus Beads

Decoding The Mystery Of The Abacus Beads
Abacus Mysteries that were prevalent during that time. Historically, that is the first Abacus to be used.  There used to be an initial sand tray counting device that was in use ages ago. The framed beads Abacus that is in use today came into existence after several computations and permutations done on the initial device . Today, we know  Abacus as a powerful tool for teaching arithmetic since it : Increases the understanding of the number place...