

Meet the Superkids: Abacus Maths Whizzes Who Conquered All Levels

Meet the Superkids: Abacus Maths Whizzes Who Conquered All Levels
In a world dominated by technology and digital advancements, the art of mental calculation seems to be fading into obscurity. However, a group of extraordinary youngsters, equipped with a world-class E-Learning application invented by BYITC, has proven that traditional methods infused with correct technology can do wonders. Meet the Abacus Maths Whizzes - a group of prodigious minds who have conquered all 11 levels of abacus maths. Recently, 18 exceptional

What Is The Best Age To Join Abacus Classes?

What Is The Best Age To Join Abacus Classes?
A small yet powerful tool for performing simple mathematical calculations, the Abacus has historically been utilised by several cultures for computation. Abacus had upheld its relevance and popularity in today’s technologically advanced world as well. Abacus classes remain the most sought-after course as the results are tangible and have a direct effect on the academic performance of the children. However, many parents remain unsure about the right time to

Learning Mental Maths with The Abacus Finger Theory

Learning Mental Maths with The Abacus Finger Theory
Incredible Finger Theory Learning mathematics with the help of abacus can work wonders and can be an enjoyable experience for the child. The best part about this theory is that children are able to calculate with digits up to 99 just by using certain special finger combinations. Thus, finger abacus theory is a great way of inculcating basic computation and mental arithmetic skills in young children. Once children have a good understanding of how an aba...