

Game-Based Abacus Maths Learning: Importance & Advantages

Game-Based Abacus Maths Learning: Importance & Advantages
Gone are the days of mundane learning methodologies. Learn about benefits of our Abacus Maths classes as now is the era of intuitive game-based education to invigorating the joy of learning in kids. Youngsters are now aware of the several advantages of game based learning. The traditional Abacus has been human’s friend since ages. But many people still don’t know how to use it. Developing mathematical skills was always a tough nut to crack for an average s

How Game-based Abacus Maths Learning Develops Real-world Skills?

How Game-based Abacus Maths Learning Develops Real-world Skills?
Pedagogical approaches are changing dramatically around the world. Thanks to the advent of gamification technology. Repetition, failure, and achieving objectives are at the heart of game-based learning. Board games and card games are examples of traditional games that aren't often meant to develop intellectual skills. However, the activity becomes game-based learning when a learning objective is added to the game. Parents can now enroll their kids in the f